Fixed implicit throw annotation.
Rewrote argument dict checker to actually make it human readable.
Fixed oversight in view visible state.
Specify transition in view object.
Added sound test screen.
Added buttons to reload sound packs and libraries.
Fixed sound packs dropdown sometimes being empty.
Moved dialog box implementation out of the views stack.
Pass through mouse clicks while dialog overlay is dismissing.
Fixed oversight of Everything causing a dismiss.
Allow single button dialogs to be dismissed by clicking the background.
Fixed overflow priority on sidebar.
Replaced window.alert and window.confirm with a custom dialog implementation.
Cleanup of EEPROM init code.
client -> server
Updated Pong packet documentation, removed column used for version info and reverted 'Sequence ID' back to 'Message ID'.
Removed mention of versioning.
Don't wait for EEPROM and sounds to finish loading during join.
Some cleanup.
Define settings using blueprints.
Rewrote connection handling.
Fixed text sanitisation issues.
Fixed Minecraft issue.
Made baka screen account for iPhone.
Changed signal strength requirements again.
Moved reconnect handling out of protocol handler.
Made UmiWebSocket use EventTarget instead of taking a massive callback.
Removed common reference from Sock Chat implementation.
Moved implicit channel and user context clears to the populate packet handlers.
Use EventTarget instead of the custom watchers bag.