got 12 gb ram now, my friend gifted me his old 4gb one
Also I hope I won't brick my pc anymore in the future

Installed XP x64 edition on my Dell Latitude E6330, which originally shipped with 7 or 8. Her ivy-bridge-era hardware is extremely compatible and I was able to find all necessary drivers (wlan, graphics, audio, chipset, multitouch) without a problem -- now i just need to salvage some more ram, because 1GB is kinda rough lol (though bearable with XP)

Lets see what kinds of Central Procsessing Units You Got!
Here is mine
Here is mine

btw i use arch, and you should too, shame on you.
enable IPv6 or suffer from IPv4 deprectiation
$60 usd ebay cpu lmao

too expensive!! who pays $60 for a CPU??!! I paid $6 for mine.
Says me with a Ryzen CPU in my main computer.
Says me with a Ryzen CPU in my main computer.

btw i use arch, and you should too, shame on you.
enable IPv6 or suffer from IPv4 deprectiation
they've fallen in price since i bought mine 2 years ago
they're $20 now lmao
they're $20 now lmao